Come on, keep going, one more kilometer. You’ve done it before, you can do it again. Said my inner voice when I felt like giving up and walking the rest of my ten kilometer run this evening. But as dark clouds overhead threatened torrential downpour, I sprinted through the last kilometer to avoid being drenched, even though I was already soaked in my own sweat. I completed the run in 1:07:53 according to Runkeeper. It’s not my best time, but not my worst either. I’m reminded of what H said, that it’s not always important to be fast, it’s more important to finish. Tonight I did, and I felt grateful to have pushed through.
One year after I signed up for my first 10km, I can no longer count with my fingers how many times I’ve ran that distance. Even I am surprised with myself because I have never considered myself a runner. Sporty, sure. I’ve always enjoyed playing sports, tennis especially. Running, on the other hand, seemed too boring for my own good. In fact, I still don’t find running fun. It is both physically and mentally gruelling. Often even lonely. Find me anyone who thinks otherwise.
So what’s the catch? Why run anyway?
I think apart from the obvious that it is really really good cardio, there is a certain high that accompanies finishing a run no matter how long or short it is. Because running is so physically taxing, it really compels you to summon your mental strength and overcome the other voice that coaxes you to stop. I’m too tired, I can’t do this. When really if you dig deep, you can. It is an exercise for the mind as much as it is for the body. And I find that I’m able to put into practice this new found mental stamina into other areas of my life. Sometimes, solutions to an issue or problem I’m working on even come to me during my runs. In truth, I welcome these thoughts more as a way to distract me from the pain of running itself.
One year of running has taught me that I’m capable of pushing myself to do more, to overcome my own pre-imposed limits. I completed a half marathon (21.1km) in May with an official time of 2:24:24. It’s the longest distance I have ever ran, at least for now. I’m pacing myself slower lately, healing from running related injuries. My ultimate goal is to run a full marathon. I’m not sure when and where to do it yet but I know it will happen. After all, in running, as in life, it’s not always important to be fast, it’s more important to finish. So I’ll get there eventually.