In many ways, this year has already brought relentless suffering to so many people, on top of all the suffering pre-pandemic. Surely it’s done wreaking havoc right? Kota na eh! So is it just me or does it feel like things are finally starting to look chipper? That or I’ve been so desensitised by all the bad news I’m starting to imagine an alternate world where the virus is no longer virulent, white supremacists have stopped killing innocent black people, Duterte’s fascist regime has been defeated and, on Dann’s invitation, I’m in a villa somewhere in Greece sipping margaritas by the pool taking in the view of the perfectly azure Mediterranean sea, but mostly really eyeing European men’s flawlessly sculpted shirtless bodies. Pardon your thirsty tita, it’s been a while. 😉
In a sign of things looking up, limited travel is now allowed in Singapore including cross-border with Malaysia. A couple of gentlemen at work have requested to go home to see their families after months of separation. They have decided to buddy up and walk the kilometer long road from Woodlands to the Malaysian border together because as of this writing, no buses are running. Frankly, I would walk 500 miles (and I would walk 500 more!) just to be with the people I love at this moment. For now, I can only live vicariously through them.
Anyway, we made it to September with the past month sneaking out like a ninja. August flew by so swiftly its passing caught me by surprise. Perhaps the anticipation of the year ending, with many of us optimistic for a fresh start come new year, is making the days seem shorter and less daunting. Perhaps many like me are starting to feel hopeful that soon we will be reunited with our loved ones too because what else is there to cling on to but hope.
And if you managed to make it through another month unscathed, with a roof over your head, with a family relatively healthy, with a job that provides for your whims, with friends keeping you sane, and with the security that tomorrow you can carry on living, I suppose that’s also worth clinging on to.
Cheers to a brand new month.
Your chipper Tita,