The avalanche of bad news this year has left a lot of us paralyzed with insurmountable fear that turned into hopeless rage. It’s easier to perhaps remain apolitical and instead, watch endless Tiktok videos but my temperamental millennial mind just won’t shut up.
Someone in my Facebook network shared a post airing the supposed statement of accuser Keng on the Ressa verdict. It seems to me that she has chosen to believe one side of the story but neglected to take into account the importance of context when opining on a sensitive subject. Did she know that the report in question was published before the cyber crime law took effect and that the case was filed only five years later? Did she know that Keng’s daughter was appointed by the president to a government office in 2019? Did she also know that the president appointed Judge Montesa’s husband as RTC judge in Makati in April 2020? I bet not because her sarcastic “basa basa and research research” remark didn’t get that far.
It’s common knowledge that the president holds a grudge for journalists and common people critical of his administration. You have to be deaf to say that all the hateful and incriminating words that come out of the president’s dirty mouth are mere rhetoric. You have to be blind to not see through all the politically charged indictments, and worse, killings. It took a pandemic to bring to the spotlight years of ineptitude by this government and bring out the worst in its trapo (short for traditional politicians, colloquial for rag. how apt.) officials. Defenders might say the Ressa case is isolated and does not in any way impede press freedom. They will also contend that ABS-CBN broke the law hence must be brought down, again not an impediment to press freedom. They will likely argue the same about the much contested anti-terror bill. WHO ARE YOU KIDDING. If you still cannot connect the dots, I don’t know what will.
There are things happening in the country that are far bigger than you and me. The very freedom that allows people to speak freely at the moment is being threatened. The same freedom that is tantamount to our democracy is endangered. Unless you prefer the tyrannical and oppressive form of government and justify that the Marcos era was the hey day of Philippine society, then fuck you’re on your own.
Sometimes, it’s no longer just a difference in opinion but a difference in fundamental moral values. If it’s the latter, I’m afraid there is no remedy. Feel free to unfriend.
Don’t worry I’m not always this angry, allow me to share a recent photo because gwapa ko.
Here’s a list of interesting articles I’ve read on the matter that more or less convinced me there was grave miscarriage of justice. Between Ressa and Duterte, who do you think has unquestionable integrity?
1. This Is How Democracy Dies
2. Amal Clooney: A test for democracy in the Philippines
3. Maria Ressa: everything you need to know about the Rappler editor
4. Maria Ressa Has Paid More Bail Than Imelda Marcos
5. Fact-checkers stand by Maria Ressa, Santos Jr. and Rappler in the wake of Filipino court’s verdict
6. VERDICT PRIMER: Legal and factual issues in Rappler, Maria Ressa cyber libel case (note: It’s Rappler but try to remove your bias)
7. Finally, this condemnation from the judge’s own alma mater. Yikes.